Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Red Sparkly Nails

HUGE milestone...I painted my toenails with my red sparkly nail polish! I couldn't handle them looking so terrible, so I took my time and got my toenails painted.  My stomach hasn't grown too much to reach them....not quite like I did with Sasha!  We actually went to the doctor today and this lil' bean is not growing very fast.  They predict her to only be 6 pounds when I have the C-section at 39 weeks. 

I had overdone it this last weekend with family here, so I was worried that I put too much stress on my cervix.  But the doctor checked everything and we look good!  What a relief!  Tomorrow I will be 36 weeks, and starting next week at 37 weeks she is going to have me stop taking my "Slow Mag" which is slowing down the contractions.  They want your body to do it's natural thing with the contractions.  So there is definitely a chance that even though on bedrest, I could still go into labor early.  I have to keep on bedrest till the end, but if I go into early labor I have to rush in and go into an emergency C-Section.  Doc and I think I'll make it to 39 weeks, just because my body has been doing so well on bedrest, and with Sasha I was actually late delivering. 

However, the one thing the doctor was concerned about was the fact that Josie isn't getting very big.  I measured a little small today, so she is sending us in to an ultrasound on Thursday.  She wants to make sure she is getting everything she needs to be growing.  At that point if she is in the 10th percentile of growth, then she is going to consider early delivery.  But she is thinking she is just a smaller baby and that she is doing just fine.  Because of her activity and how busy she is right now, we think she is just fine.  She'd be more worried if baby had very little movement.

I'll soon take my 36 week photos!  I can't do much since I'm on bedrest, but I need to get some taken for the wall later!  Will be fun to compare to how big I was with Sasha.  Thinking I'll have to post those on here as well!  :)

Also have to mention yesterday, and my "learning moment".  We had sold our outdoor playhouse and the people picked it up last night.  I expected Sasha to have a breakdown as soon as I heard Daddy explaining to her what was going on.  But because he didn't make a huge deal about it, neither did she.  She made me so PROUD!  There has been a lot through this process, and Sasha is handling it like a champ.  She taught me a very valuable lesson....it's not the objects in our lives, but the people in our lives that count.  Instead of fussing about one of her toys going away, she instead enjoyed the beautiful evening and asked her Daddy to push her in the swing as she watched the toy leave the yard.  Just when I worry about all the things we need in life to make our children have a "great" life, I am reminded otherwise.  I am truly blessed to have this wonderful/observant child in my life who has such a great heart and soul.  Looking forward to adding another wonderful bundle of joy to our very happy family.  :)

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