Monday, March 19, 2012

30 with patches of Gray!

Last night was the night we officially spotted PATCHES of gray hair coming in!!!!!  I'm 30 years old, and it's happening! Since on bedrest I haven't been able to color my Jimmy was looking at my roots and decided to let me in on the fact that I had not just a few strands of gray hair, but PATCHES!  Really?!  First words out of my mouth: COLOR MY HAIR!

So do you think that maybe we have a little too much going on in our lives??  A little too much stress?  Or, it could be thanks to my Dad's side because he was gray at a young age.  I'm pregnant with just my second child and turning gray.  There is just something seriously wrong with that!

But we have had lots of stress in our lives lately, so I'm sure that isn't helping.  I've been put on bedrest for 7 weeks (5 more weeks left!) and last week my grandmother had a stroke which has paralized her whole left side of her body.  I can't even go see her due to the bedrest.  Each week has brought me some emotional drama, and is seriously making me feel even more like I have no control.  If you know me at all, you know that I am a control freak and NOT having control stresses me out!

On top of all this, we are moving to DC in June and are trying to sell our house.  It hasn't been an easy process, and we are even at the point of considering keeping it as a rental and renting it out.  Then maybe in a couple years we will have more equity built up and hopefully the market will be better.  Who knows what the right thing to do is.  The only thing I can figure on is whatever decision we make will have to be the right decision for us.  Everyone will have an opinion, but our decision is the only one that matters.

Luckily we've had a huge support system here to help us with meals and just everything!  Friends, family and co-works have come together and taken care of our meals so Jimmy doesn't have the stress of having to cook.  He is so stinking busy from the moment he gets home from work as it is, I couldn't imagine putting cooking on him as well.  I think he definitely is getting a feel for what it's like to be with a 3 year old every day and night, but it's just too much for one person!  I had a break down yesterday because I hated all of this being put on him.  I can see it stresses him out, and I wish I could take it away.  All I can hope is that we get through this stronger then ever, and I can get back to my normal self and have all my energy back.  I'll be having a C-section though, and that makes it another 2 weeks after the baby comes before I can even start doing some normal every day things. 

Keep our family and my Grandmother in your prayers.  Hopefully things will start to become clearer for us as time goes by!

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